Vehicle overturned in accident in Jammu

Aman Zutshi

Jammu: In a shocking incident, a vehicle overturned in an accident on Tawi bridge in Bhagwati Nagar area of Jammu on Wednesday.

According to the report, the mishap happened when a Tempo (PB01B1275)   which came from Srinagar turned turtle on Tawi bridge in Bhagwati Nagar area of Jammu city, when two bikers performed stunts ahead of the moving vehicle, after which it overturned in order to save a car which was also going through the same road.

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“I was going on the road then two boys came and performed stunt ahead of my vehicle on the road.

“A car was also going ahead of me and in order to save it my vehicle turned turtle on the road.

“I met with mishap while saving the car. I have sustained slight wounds. The J&K police helped me”, Operator of the overturned vehicle told media.

“The J&K police has done a commendable job because if they were not present here then this Tempo might not have been lifted nor its driver would have been saved.

“The local people and police helped the driver and lifted the vehicle with the help of crane” a local man said.