Locals express anger over installation of smart meters in Jammu

Aman Zutshi

Jammu: Several residents of Sanjay Nagar sector-4 in Jammu on Wednesday expressed anger over installation of smart electricity meters in their residences.

As per report, the locals including women, men, children assembled in their area and raised slogans opposing govt’s move to install smart meters in the area.

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“It’s been four days since we’re suffering because of smart meters as it has burnt many people house appliances.

“We want old electricity meters to be installed in our  homes not these ones.”, one of the woman said.

“We have been paying all the bills and still we don’t have water to drink as our water-motor will only work when electricity will come”, another woman said.

“Our condition has worsened since the day the smart meters installed here. Our house appliances are damaged now because of smart meters and we want them to be replaced with traditional meters”, a man added.

“We have small children and since the time we have come to this area the electricity won’t stay for long.

“They won’t let us speak and if we do speak they threat us of police action aren’t we’re humans.

“We are already facing inflation and how we will pay power bills when we don’t even have money to buy essentials”, a woman added.

“Since the day they have installed smart meters we have received no electricity and our drains are also in very bad condition.

“So many people have lost their home appliances to electric smart meters and being financially weak people how we will pay bills.

“We don’t have anything left to eat and our business has suffered. Leaders only come to us during elections and whom to tell our concerns.

“The electricity department employees come check our houses and leave. The dispensation can’t install smart meters in Srinagar and are only installing here”, a woman claimed.