Motivational: In a first, Jammu boy begins cycle trip to Kedarnath from Jammu


Aman Zutshi

Faith can move mountains people say and a boy from Jammu is going to live up to this saying by cycling his way from Jammu to Kedarnath.

Manu Kumar has claimed that he is the first one to achieve this feat. He will ride his bicycle for around 852 kilometres to Kedarnath in Uttarakhand.

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He is a mechanic by profession in yard no.7 of  Narwal and he likes riding cycle.

Watch Report by Ashish Kohli

Interacting with the media, Manu, said, “It was my dream to cycle to kedarnath as this time our youngsters are going away from our religion”.

“They are excited to watch new releases in theaters and rush to attend parties. A Muslim will help ten more of his religion but if a Hindu wants to do the same he will be discouraged by a Hindu”, he said.

“People are of the opinion that whey they will age then that time they will visit such sacred places, but I want to say that we should try to visit holy places in our youth also”, he added.

“One should not feel dispirited if one can’t afford a bike as cycle is enough and with hard labour one will attain what one wants”, Manu said excitedly.

“We should be away from drug abuse and should promote Hindu religion”, he remarked.

“I have decided to cover approximately 90-100kms everyday. My first stay will be at my aunt’s house and after that I have decided to take refuge in Toll plazas or police station which are safer”, he asserted.

“Earlier I did a solo travel to Amritsar but that time I didn’t had phone so I wasn’t able to record anything of my excursion”, he said.

“But now I have a mobile and I will timely update my friends and followers on my blog and social media about my journey”, Manu claimed.

“In 2017, I used to work at a garage where I used to repair heavy vehicles”, he said.

“My salary was suddenly hiked as I made more progress in my work, but my seniors didn’t digest my success and I had to leave the job”, he alleged.

“After a year I met a boy namely Vishal and we become good friends and his father gave me job”, he said.

“My mother was shocked to hear that but all my family members listen to our grandmother and she nodded yes for my excursion”, said Manu.

“My Youtube and  Instagram account is JKO2Joker”, he said.

“I just have one message this task is really tough for me but we should not let anything deter our enthusiasm and this is going to be history that a guy from Jammu is going to Kedarnath on a cycle”, he asserted.