Jammu, July 21: Yesterday, several law students of University of Jammu were manhandled by the police, while agitating inside the university’s premises.

The incident happened when some LLB students who were protesting inside the premises of JU and asking to meet the Vice Chancellor in order to discuss their issues, were manhandled and beaten by the local police right in front of his office.

One of the protestors allegedly said that she was protesting outside his office, the police was called who, in turn, have manhandled the students, beaten them badly and even tore their clothes.
She further said that the faculty of their department and the university security staff were just being onlookers of the whole incident.

Another protestor said that these series of protests began with the students of Distance Education Department who were also protesting for the reduction of their semester syllabus and were demanding for the online examinations.

He further added that they are on hunger strike from three days but still no one from the university’s administration came to meet them, on the other hand their VC called the police who tore the girl students clothes while manhandling all of them during the agitation.

Moreover he said that the VC should apologise to them and women students in particular as they have been beaten and treated very shamefully and unfairly by the male officials of the police department.

He told that they were protesting peacefully but the administration acted like a dictator and deployed the police which included more male officials and ignored the fact that large number of female students were protesting with them.

Lastly, he demanded that the administration must reduce the syllabus and should conduct open choice examinations immediately to help the students to complete their degrees on time.

Aman Zutshi