Scores of students of University of Jammu staged a sit-in today while blocking the university’s main gate and lashing out at the university’s administration.

The students staged a sit-in while blocking the university’s campus main gate, demanding immediate action to address their demands.

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“This is our university not someone’s father’s property”, several agitating students shouted while continuing their sit-in.

Talking to the media, a student alleged that after the conversion of our state into a UT the central government has appointed a Vice-Chancellor in JU, who is an outsider and who does not give any heed to the matters of the students instead he avoids and refuses to meet them. The VC is off to Delhi for a week and the students do not have anyone to approach who can address their issues. They demand the reduction of the syllabus earmarked for the upcoming examinations.

Another student said that they only demand the University administration to provide them requisite study material as they are Distance Education department students and have paid Rs 10,000 for the same, so they do not want to study through online modes and since the scheduled date of exams is nearing, it is not possible for them to cover such lengthy syllabus in a short matter of time.

One of the protestors said that yesterday when the students were protesting, the VC summoned the local police to disperse agitating students in which the police has misbehaved and tore the students’ garments.

Furthermore, he said that the Vice chancellor is an outsider who has not been able to deal with the students and is just issuing diktats from his office thereby causing the students to suffer miserably and it seems the university administration will take some action only when some of us will die.

He reiterated that the students want 50% deduction in the syllabus and postponement of scheduled exams.

Aman Zutshi