Why self respect matters ?

Gracy Anand

“ He / she doesn’t respect me , Am I that worthless’’
We hear this quite frequent because the truth is we lack self respect .
Self-respect is knowing that you are worthy and treating yourself accordingly.


It is when you understand and start loving yourself . It’s the result of staying true to your values and not being willing to compromise.

“When someone has self-respect, they have accepted themselves and believe that they are deserving of belonging in the world,” says Divya Robin, a psychotherapist in New York City.

Through loving oneself , we stop comparing our lives with others .


1. Identify and nurture your needs

If self-respect is about taking care of yourself, it’s important that you identify what “care” means for you. More about understanding your needs .
“Check in with your needs on a daily basis, and instead of shaming yourself for having needs, nurture your needs,” Robin suggests.

2. Practicing self-care will help

Respecting yourself means taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Self-care activities :
• relaxation techniques to manage anxiety and stress
• spending time in nature
• connecting with your favourite people, even if virtually
• taking pauses to reset, rest, and recharge

3. Revisit your root values –

Revise yourself about your values , worth, needs and boundaries .

4. Maintain Wise and healthy relations

You probably don’t live in isolation, even if you don’t have too many people around you.
Self-respect starts with the people you choose to have in your life and heart.
“Surround yourself with people who empower you to accept and embrace your authentic self,” says Robin.
Consider these questions:
• Are the people you surround yourself with building you up?
• Do your significant others support your dreams, opinions, lifestyle, and preferences?
• Are you being treated by others as you wish to be treated?.


Self-respect is understanding and honoring your own needs. It’s knowing your worth and acting accordingly. If you feel you can work more on your self-respect, consider identifying your values, setting boundaries, and nurturing your needs through self-care.
Never lose your shine . Maintain it till the end .