Why to stay optimistic all the time ?

Gracy Anand

Do you ever feel that life seems impossible? There are two ways of looking at life. You can look at life through the gray lens of pessimism or the rose-colored lens of optimism.

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ― Oscar Wilde

Optimism isn’t about ignoring negative feelings.

It’s about being hopeful about the future, even when the present seems wholly negative. Life is like a coin, it has good as well as bad times . Besides, they are both interdependent for one cannot exist without the other. However, it is our attitude that decides our mindset and approach in life. Being optimistic is the fire that keeps us warm during a storm. It is the only key which opens the door for accomplishing our goals. To be happy in life , it’s crucial to look at everything with positive aspect in our life.

Benefits of being optimist in life-

Optimistic people attract more happiness in their lives .
1. They confront all hardships and overcome them .
2. They sustain healthy relationships with people.
3. Optimists Feel Healthier-

If you think that the world is inherently good, and that life will work out in your favor, you’re more likely to have better health. If you starting looking things through lens of optimism then –

1. The events may be a temporary setback for you .
2. You look outside yourself for the cause of the problem.
3. You start thinking this way – Certain circumstances sometimes happen. It is part of life.
The key is that optimistic people do not let their problems overwhelm them.
Instead, they look for what they can learn from the experience.

It is even the key to success as it builds resilience. Always attract positive vibes , try to find good in everything. It’s well said – ” Everything happens for a reason.” Let’s always have learning spirit in our lives. Along with that the goal should be to try to look on the bright side while still acknowledging the difficulties of the situation.
Always shine !