Jammu: Man dead, brother injured in mysterious blast

Aman Zutshi


Jammu: One person died and another one has suffered injuries after a mysterious blast occurred at Symbol Kishtwar on Wednesday.

As per sources, a mysterious blast occurred  in house of  Mohd Abbas Naik in Symbol of Kishtwar in which a man died, while his brother sustained wounds.

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“Initial reports revealed that in the house of one Mohd Abaas Naik in village Symbol suspicious blast occurred in the kitchen. In said blast one person died and one injured”, SSP Kishtwar.

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“Reportedly both brothers had gone to jungle for collection of Morchella (Guchhi) Mashrooms, where they found one abandoned rod like rusted object which they brought to home and in the kitchen while heating it blast occurred. Police has started investigation to unravel the truth”, he added.