A family has accused the SKIMS Bemina authorities of replacing a newborn baby boy with a baby girl. However, the hospital authorities refuted the allegation.

“My wife delivered a baby 12 days ago at the health centre. Due to his deteriorating health conditions, I was not allowed to visit him as the boy as per hospital authorities was put on a ventilator,” the husband of the woman told a local news agency.

“The doctors at the time of delivery said both lady and newborn boy are stable. But both of them have to stay at the hospital for a few days under the observation of doctors,” he said. “I had been asked to bring clothes for my son which I did. However, yesterday evening, I was given the body of a baby girl wrapped in a shroud which left us shell-shocked.”

“Whereas earlier I was told that your wife had given birth to a son and he stayed with her for about 10 days, we were not even allowed to see him,” he said and questioned that “if my child was a boy for twelve days, why today he turned to be a girl”.

Another relative said the birth certificate issued by the hospital administration clearly stated that the lady gave birth to a boy.

“This clearly indicates that we have been given someone else’s child which is unacceptable. We have knocked doors of each and every officer of the hospital administration, but no one is able to answer properly,” he said.

The family made a request to Lieutenant Governor to investigate the matter and “bring culprits to the task”.

Medical Superintendent JVC, Dr. Shafa said they received the pregnant lady on 4 November, and subsequently, her surgery was conducted by senior doctors following which she along with her baby girl were admitted in separate wards.

She said that “some minor error had taken place in records as a child was enrolled as male instead of female”.

She added the child was on a ventilator due to which her father was not allowed to visit her. “If they suspect something, they can even go for a DNA test to check reality,” she added.

“An enquiry has been also initiated in this regard and if anyone is found to be involved from our side, action will be taken,” she said.