Jammu, October 10, 2022: Scores of PM package employees on Monday staged agitation in favour of their demands in Jammu.

Shouting slogans like ‘we want justice’, ‘A Hindu  will not work as scapegoat in Kashmir’, ‘only solution is re-location’, the employees were agitating.

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“The govt is pressurizing us to work there as recently they have introduced bio-metric attendance system which requires a physical presence in the office in Kashmir, but how can we join there without any security measures there”, one of the protestors said.

He further added that the govt has not paid their salaries of recent two months which is making their living tough in such times of inflation.

The J&K government has issued an order recently which says that a satisfatory bio-metric attendance is mandatory for employees to draw their salaries.

Aman Zutshi