27-year-old Mustafa ibn Jameel, a resident of Gurez in Bandipora district, wrote the Holy Quran through calligraphy on a 500-metre scroll paper which took him seven months to complete. Mustafa claims that his achievement is recorded in the Lincoln Book of Records andĀ  they also haveĀ  mentioned this on their official website, while the width of the paper on which the Holy QuranĀ  isĀ  written is said to be 14.5 inches and itsĀ  length is 500 metres and the event was held in New Delhi.

Mustafa said that when he could not pass his matriculation, heĀ  took upĀ  calligraphyĀ  as he was weak in studies due to which heĀ  always use toĀ  face the taunts ofĀ  his relatives and other villagers. This inspired him to do something unique. It is said that initially he started the work of calligraphy to improve his handwriting.

According to the report, the weight of one chapter of theĀ  Holy Quran completed by him was 21 kg and consists 450 pages and heĀ  completed this task without the guidance of any professional trainer.

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He wanted to do something unique and good that’s why he planned to write the Holy Quran on a scroll of paper and he also informed that there is dearth of scroll papers in Kashmir, the reportĀ  added.

According to Mustafa, asĀ  the scroll paper was not available in kashmir he decided to buy it from Delhi and which took him two months to gather the travel expensesĀ  for delhi. He further revealed that he used anĀ  art paper to inscribe the Holy Quran and on 27 January 2022, he started writing on it.

The writing work was completed in three monthsĀ  and later he began making the border of the paper whichĀ  also took him aĀ  month and about 13 lakh dots were used to make its border and lastly he laminated the paper. While the entire project cost him around 2.5 lakhs and took seven months for the completion.

Mustafa asserted that his work would soon find its placeĀ  in the Indian, Asian and International Book of Records , for which the process of documentation is underway.

Mehak Sharma