Several members of IKKJutt Jammu party (IJP) held demonstration on Sunday , demanding a separate statehood for the Jammu province.

The activists raised slogans and carried placards in favour of their demands, the protest was lead by the party’s President Ankur Sharma along with other party members at the local press club, in Jammu.

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Speaking to the media, Mr Sharma said that from the last 70 years the Jammu region is being treated like a colony by the politicians based in Kashmir ,due to which the people of Jammu region are suffering exploitation at the hands of Kashmir-centric oppressive politics.

He further revealed that his party’s foremost demand is that the Jammu province must be separated from the Kashmir region and should be given a different statehood status .

Adding further he alleged that since independence the Jammu division has become a worse victim of separatists and their Pak based agendas and it’s the fault of the successive governments that they were too submissive on the issue.

Moreover, he said that his party will continue to stage agitations and will vouch for the statehood status for the Jammu division. He also warned the local govt that his party will keep boycotting the assembly elections until the demand of statehood for Jammu is not granted by the government.

At a later stage of demonstration, the Police came into action , the activists were stuffed in the police bus and were taken to the police lines.

Aman Zutshi