J&K: AAP Youth leader demands re-         implementation of Self Help Group 

AAP Provincial Youth Secretary Muktesh Yogi today said that abolition of Self Help Groups, has thrashed aims and hopes of thousands of engineers and their families.

This concept of self employment through self help group was introduced in 2004, to make the educated and well qualified youth of Jammu and Kashmir self reliant, independent and a job creator instead of job seeker. This scheme reserved 30% of the total jobs in construction and upgradation of infrastructure work in various government departments and corporations for Self Help groups which could be made by a group of 4-10 engineering educated aspirants. There were around 1000 SHG registered in Jammu & 1400 SHG registered in Kashmir which have approximately 14000 engineers working and taking advantage of this scheme. These self help groups were not only earning and feeding their families but were also generating employment for thousands of masons, carpenters, plumbers, tipper-trolley owners, peoples working in the offices of these self help groups as managers, accounts and many other such jobs.

Yogi also added that Inspite of creating employment avenue for the educated youth of J&K, the administration was deliberately showing door to those, who were somehow able to earn their livelihoods.

Later, Yogi has assured the Self Help Groups and all people associated with them that Aam Aadmi Party will stand and support them in their struggle. He said that the government should immediately re-implement the scheme and restore the 30% quota of self help groups in all jobs in construction works in all government departments.

Atlast, he also urged UT administration to look into the mattet and take effective measures to create more employment avenue for other unemployed youth to ensure that the current economic crisis confronting youth and people of J&K at large were addressed rather than pushing them to wall.