Jammu: Police registers FIR against several protestors

Aman Zutshi

The Jammu and Kashmir police yesterday registered FIR against several protestors belonging to Gujjar & Bakarwal community  in Poonch, who had shouted pro-azadi slogans during the agitation.

As per repot, the incident happened when several members of Gujjar & Bakarwal community staged a protest in Poonch opposing the proposed bill for amendments in Scheduled Tribe reservations in Jammu and Kashmir, during which some dissenters raised azadi slogans.

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The Poonch has alleged launched FIRs against the protestors who screamed pro-azadi slogans in the protest.

“I was going outside from my home and their peaceful procession was coming but the moment the protestors saw my car they surrounded it and raised slogans in the presence of police.

“The dissenters shouted ‘Modi Hum Se Darta Hai Isliye Police Aage Karta Hai’, (Modi is afraid of us that’s why vanguards police against us).

“I have also posted videos the agitators raising azadi slogans on FB. The situation in Poonch is tense and they have shouted azadi slogans.

“The protestors should tell me what kind of freedom they want from India if they have been enjoying rights from last 35 years.

“Some protestors have brought outsiders in the protest also. Three days ago when ST bill for Paharis proposed in parliament we told SDM Poonch that we want to celebrate this occasion and apprised him that we want to hold a road march for just 200 meters.

“But we were not given permission for that because we informed SDM at 10am and the permission was not granted to us till 5pm because the DC sir belongs to ST community.

“But for the protestors the DC sir deployed every single police personnel and in their presence the pro-azadi slogans were raised.

“The DC Poonch is trying to deteriorate the milieu here. Guftar Chaudhary, Talib Chaudhary, Shakil Ahmed Kohli and Tanveer Ahmed are the people against whom the FIRs we have filed in police station.

“In the coming times if these people are not arrested by the police the situation in Poonch can get worse and we will also give then a Bandh call”, alleged, Pahari Leader from Poonch, Aman Dabur.