Gracy Anand

People often believe that this world is easily more suited for extroverts. We consider them as the most energetic people in any group. Wherever they are, extroverts have that unique ability to stay in the limelight. So does that mean introverts have no place in this world?

 Does that mean introverts are always shy, quiet, and prefer to spend time alone rather than often being with other people? Let’s look into this subject more carefully.

. Introverts always try to be productive than extroverts. Since they spend a lot of their time alone, it raises their creative thinking to the fullest. Introverts may not excel in whatever situations they are, but they always make way for others, wait for them to complete their job by maintaining a low pace.

They take a lot of time before decision making, which they consider as a tedious process. Decision making is hard for them, but the decisions they make will always be of more excellent value to them as well as to the environment in which they exist.

We can’t always say that introverts are completely shy or quiet. One will see the other side of an introvert, a face that makes us feel as if they are extroverts, and this happens when they are within their comfort zones.

 Among their friends, family members, or their loved ones in general, they may not be the kind of person that society often sees. Let’s consider the examples of some famous personalities such as J K Rowling, Albert Einstein, etc. for instance. They have admitted that they are introverts, and we’ll find it very hard to digest. But being an introvert is an exciting experience.

While there are many benefits of being an introvert, we tend to forget the perks of introversion itself.

On some days, you may feel proud of your personality type, while on other days, you wish you could be a little more extroverted. 

  1. think before you speak. 

One of the most profound qualities of introvert people that gives them an advantage in today’s world is their ability to think before speaking. Introverts have a more complex thought process, and it allows them to process information intricately before responding. 

You’re an active listener.

Introversion is a withdrawn personality, meaning that introverts are bound to take in more than they let out per time. Therefore, one striking power of an introvert is their ability to listen. 

It’s a beneficial quality in today’s world because most people are constantly preoccupied with endless chatter. Only those that hear with intention stand out from the crowd. 

you are very observant. 

The reserved personality of introverts helps them to see beyond the average eye. Being quiet also allows them to operate optimally because they’re less distracted. This factor is one of the introvert characteristics that is useful in today’s world. While others are speaking, introverts are taking notice and assimilating the little details. 

Focus on quality over quantity

When communicating with others, focus on the quality of communication as opposed to quantity. Be mindful of how much you’re talking and when it’s appropriate to step back and allow other people to share their thoughts too.

Introverts make great leaders

Thanks the  higher EQ, introverts make thoughtful, compassionate leaders and are, more often than not, lead quietly and effectively. 

Introverted leaders may seem unassuming, but their introversion is a superpower. They listen thoughtfully to their direct reports and have greater communication skills. Their observational skills allow them to see what someone may not be saying or understand the speaker’s true message. 

I guess being an introvert is  boon and everyone should accept it . Introverts tend to feel intimidated by their friendly counterparts while forgetting where their power lies. If you can say, “I am introverted,” you should never forget what makes you unique .