In a major development, the Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) is going to regularize service of 600 employees working on casual basis. This was stated by Mayor JMC Rajinder Sharma while talking to reporters.

He said the long pending demand of casual employees of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) will be fulfilled as the Corporation has issued a notice in this regard as per clause 10 of Jammu Municipal Corporation, of Service Regulations – 2014.

This is first step towards regularisation of employees of JMC announced by Mayor, Rajinder Sharma said.
He was accompanied by Deputy Mayor, Baldev Singh Billawaria and Chairman’s of Standing Committees of JMC , Raj Kumar Tarkhan ,Hardeep Singh Mankotia and Ajay Gupta.

Mayor said about 600 employees whose regularization demand was long pending will soon be regularised and this will be the biggest gift from JMC to its employees specially the Safaisathis . As per rules, those who have completed seven years of service as casual wagers are to be regularised in their respective departments, added Mayor.

Mayor further added that “I believe the step that JMC is going to take to be historic one,. This is the first time such mass regularisation will take place’’.

Mayor said “We are committed to resolve all the issues of the employees of JMC and steps are being taken to sort out their genuine grievances also’’.

In response to a question, Mayor assured that JMC will take every step for better facilities to the Jammuites.