All the central government pensioners will be enrolled under the benefit of cashless Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) in Jammu and Kashmir’s territory care hospital, officials said.

Medical Superintendent of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Science (SKIMS), Srinagar Prof. Farooq A. Jan said that all Central Government Pensioners will get benefited under CGHS scheme who will be provided cashless treatment. All the modalities in this regard have been finalized, he added.

A meeting via Google link was held on Friday between officials of SKIMS included Prof Parvaiz Koul Director, Prof Farooq A Jan Medical Superintendent, Dr Samina Mufti Adminstrative incharge OPD and MRD, Er Farooq A Wani Superintendent Eng IT, Bilal Chief Accounts officer and Dr. Ashwani AD CGHS Chandigarh.

In the meeting modalities for providing cashless health care facilities to Central Government pensioners under the CGHS were discussed and finalized, a SKIMS press statement said.