Jammu, Nov 24: Two unidentified person on motorcycle reportedly snatched away with gold chain of a woman on Thursday. The incident occurred today in Sarwal, Jammu  when the victim was buying some refreshments for her kids from a shop there, when her mangalsutra worth Rs 70,000- 80,000 was snatched away.

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The incident occurred when the victim was shopping there at Sarwal.

“I was taken by surprise when the snatcher approached close to me in the shop  and before I could look at him, the burglar snatched my mangalsutra and sped away with another thief on bike”, she said.

She further said that they hail from Chenani (Udhampur) have rented a room in Jammu and belong to low income group and bought the stolen jewellery with hard labour.

“I appeal to local police to recover my mangalsutra from snatchers and deliever me justice”, she said.

The shopkeeper said that the burglars first did recce around her shop before committing snatching.

“The preparator came in my shop and pretended to buy something, but as soon as I was about to give him the stuff he turned towards the standing woman customer and snatched mangalsutra from her neck. I shouted on him as what he is doing and alerted locals to stop him “, she said.

A local said that such crimes happen rarely in their area and the preparators have been caught on CCTV camera, which would aid the police to detain them.

Aman Zutshi