Jammu, November 24, 2022:  A shocking incident has appeared in which three machete-wielding men attacked a vegetable vendor at 11pm yesterday in Sainik Colony’s Sector D, Jammu.

According to the report, the incident happened when the three goons came to the shop of vendor on the pretext of buying vegetables and attacked him with machetes while threatening him to vacate his Dhaba (eatery) situated in the same mentioned area.

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Mr Sunil Kumar resident of Ramgarh, the vendor, allegedly told the media that three men came to his shop and called him to buy veggies, but as he entered his shop the three hooligans began threatening him to vacate his eatery and when he resisted them, the three took out their weapons and attacked the victim.

“These men came and attacked me, they want me to vacate my dhaba for them. They were attacking me with machetes and when my brother heard the ruckus he came out to save me. One of them aimed his machete on my neck dodging which it hit my arm. When the goons felt that people are coming out for our aid they started their bike and ran away, with my mobile. I grabbed one of them and handed over him to police”, he said.

His brother said that the goons also assaulted him with their machetes, when he was trying to protect his brother from them.

“Our neigbours came to our help when they heard this ruckus. The preparators are unknown to us. We got one of them arrested in police station with aegis of some local residents”, he added.

Aman Zutshi