Chief Secretary Arun Kumar Mehta yesterday said that the government had formulated an action plan of Rs 8.35 crore for the Financial Year 2022-23 for covering 6800 beneficiaries.

An official spokesman in a statement issued here said that chairing the meeting of the executive council of the Council for Rehabilitation of Widows, Orphans, Handicapped and Old Persons (Victims of Militancy) established by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), the chief secretary said that the action plan would provide a pension of Rs 1000 per month to widows, old-aged persons and specially-abled persons besides marriage assistance of Rs 40000 to young widows or grown up daughters.

He stressed on saturating the distribution of tricycles among all the specially-abled persons as per the directions of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.

Mehta directed that all the youth taken to different parts of the country under ‘Watanko Jano’ programme should be facilitated in every manner and their stay made comfortable at every city they visit.

He enquired from the council about its performance during the previous year.

The chief secretary impressed upon them to accelerate the seeding of beneficiary accounts with Aadhar numbers and directed them to complete the task within a month.

He enjoined upon the council that their work was of paramount importance and asked them to provide timely assistance to all the victims and take all measures to rehabilitate them well.

The official spokesman said that the meeting was informed that the council proposes to provide motorised tricycles to all the remaining registered 2700 cases of specially-abled persons during the year as per the directions of the LG.

The meeting was informed that under ‘Watanko Jano’ sponsored by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India (GoI) the council was going to take about 500 children from its orphanages, Balashrams, and Narineketan of the department to cities like Mumbai, Lucknow, Jaipur, and Hyderabad.

Additional Chief Secretary, Home; Commissioner Secretary, SWD; Executive Director, Rehabilitation Council; and representatives from the Department of Planning also attended the meeting.