Shraddha Walkar, who was allegedly murdered by her live-in partner, Aaftab Poonawala, at their south Delhi home in May 2022, had written to the Tulinj police in Maharashtra exactly two years ago in 2020 that he had attempted to kill her and had specifically threatened to cut her body into pieces. The couple lived in Vasai East in Maharashtra back then.
Here’s the picture of the original letter:

Shraddha's letter

“I would like to report that Aaftab Poonawala has been abusing me and beating me up. Today he tried to kill me by suffocating me and is scaring and blackmailing me that he will kill me and cut me up in pieces and throw me away. It’s been six months that he has been hitting me but I did not have the guts to go to the police because he would threaten to kill me. His parents are aware that he beats me and that he tried to kill me. They also know about we living together in East and they visit on weekends. I lived with him till date as we were supposed to get married anytime soon and had the blessings of his family. Henceforth I’m not willing to live with him. So any kind of physical damage should be considered coming from him as he has been blackmailing me to kill me or hurt me whenever he sees me anywhere,” says Walkar’s letter to the Tulinj Police dated November 23, 2020.
Tulinj Police told TOI they had gone to Poonawala’s home to make inquiries but Walkar later withdrew the complaint and no FIR could be recorded. She reportedly withdrew the complaint under pressure from Poonawala and his family.