Jammu, 20 November, 2022: A shocking incident has appeared from Lakhanpur border in Jammu, in which it has been reported that truckers coming from outside J&K UT with loaded food stock of chickens, sheep and goats suppose to be supply in various areas of Jammu and in particular to J&K UT for people to consume have been issued health certificates without any inspection by unauthorised fourth-class employees, who are taking bribe from these truck operators.

The report has said veterinary doctors of ‘Health and Husbandry Department’ situated there at RP check post Lakhanpur, Kathua was supposed to check the goods imported from other states  upon their arrival in the union territory (UT) to ensure that people get disease-free animals, but in their absence lower ranks employees of the mentioned department have been checking the goods jeopardizing health of local people.

The trucks were suppose to stop on RC check post near ‘Animal and Husbandry Department’ at Lakhanpur Border in Kathua for inspection, but they were halted near a local dhaba, where agents are taking rupees three hundred as bribe to let them pass the border with health certificates. Nearly 20-25 trucks enter in Jammu carrying essentials, the report said.

A truck driver told the media that some brokers issue them these certificates and give them green signal to pass and deliver the stock.

Now, it’s upon the local administration to take cognizance of this matter, the report said.

Aman Zutshi