Senior Congress leader G A Mir said that only Congress is capable to defeat divisive and anti-people policies of the BJP.

He said Congress will remain committed to the cause of working and strengthening people of all shades living in the country. BJP government at Centre is out to destroy the very foundation of the democracy in the country as it has done in Jammu and Kashmir aiming to rule it through remote control.

According to a press note, Mir made these comments while addressing booth level delegates of Sagam Block of Kokernag area in South Kashmir. He urged them to get connected with the people at grass roots and highlight the hardships confronting them in absence of elected representatives.

Mir also laid emphasises over strengthening the Congress Party at booth level as that it is the Congress Party alone which is fully capable to fight against the divisive and wrong policies of the BJP Government towards the people.

Referring to the challenges, Mir said though there has been a little damage to the Congress due to the defections by some leaders, but the party would stand against the challenges, besides the anti-Congress policies adopted by the BJP government would not weaken our resolve to fight for the people’s rights and safeguarding their interests.