Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said despite global uncertainties, India is growing rapidly and experts have hailed the country as a bright spot.

“At this time of global uncertainties, India is growing rapidly … Global experts have hailed India as a bright spot … The trade deals that have been signed give the world a glimpse of India’s preparedness,” he said at the inauguration of Invest Karnataka Summit 2022 here.

Modi said India is rolling out red carpet of opportunities for investors, instead of red tapism. “India has freed its investors from red tapism and given them a red carpet of opportunities,” he said.

“We encouraged investments in various sectors that were earlier closed to private investments such as defence, drones, space and geospatial mapping,” he added.

Modi said New India is focusing on bold reforms, big infrastructure and best talent.

PM-GatiShakti National Master Plan is aimed at integrated infrastructure development and every sector in India is moving ahead with the power of youth, he said.

“India is setting an example for the world when it comes to renewable energy and investment in India means – Investment in Inclusion, Investment in Democracy,” Modi said.

He also said that the world today is moving towards Industry 4.0 and Indian youth have formed over 100 unicorns. “Post-Covid pandemic, such achievements are of great importance,” he added.

Modi said operational airports in India have doubled in the last few years and many more are being constructed. Metro train facilities have spread from 5 cities to 20 cities now, he added.