Kavinder Gupta, senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former Deputy Chief Minister lambasted the PDP president Mehbooba Mufti over her tweet alleging discriminatory laws in India after UK Conservative Party cleared decks for Rishi Sunak to become first non-White British, Prime Minister.

He was speaking at a function organized by the Vishwakarma Sabha Industrial Estate Digiana on the occasion of Vishwakarma Day.

The former Deputy Chief Minister hit back at the PDP chief asking if she will accept a minority community member as Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Valley based leaders always adopted dual stands. He asserted that on one hand Mehbooba Mufti has welcomed the step of UK Government for allowing Rishi Sunak to become first non-white British Prime Minister but on the other hand she will never accept that a minority from J&K will become the Chief Minister, in her owns State.
Kavinder asked Mehbooba Mufti that she will accept a next Chief Minister from minority in the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory. He asked people of J&K to be vigilant from such persons who adopted dual standards, leaving no stone unturned in misleading the people of the Union Territory for their personal motives.

The Vishkarma Sabha Industrial Estate Digiana has also felicitated Kavinder Gupta, who was the chief guest, enthusiastically participated in the function and performed the traditional Pooja of Bhagwan Vishwakarma. Vinay Gupta district president, Joginder Singh, Harbans Singh and Kuldeep Singh accompanied the former Deputy Chief Minister.
He emphasized upon the workers to follow the path shown by Lord Vishwakarma, who is revered not only by members of Hindu Community but by all the skilled and unskilled work force irrespective of their caste, creed or colour. He said that it was a moment of great pleasure for him to be part of the celebration during which he fully enjoyed festivities will them.