Jammu, October 11, 2022: Former MLC and spokesperson of JK UT BJP Girdhari Lal Raina on Monday expressed surprise and dismay over the directive issued by the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir ordering strict enforcement of bio-metric attendance for all the government employees, including those recruited under PM’s employment package.

In normal conditions such an order would be welcomed by all right thinking citizens, he said. “But prevailing situation in which employees belonging to religious minority in Kashmir have been subjected to targetted terrorist violence, this becomes illogical,” Raina said.

Speaking in a meeting of booth and Mandal level workers of BJP KDD, Raina demanded reconsidering of, what he alleged, “such undemocratic and intimidating direction.” Stressing that protection of life of every citizen including the package employees was the responsibility of administration, ex-MLC pointed out the contradictory stance of security agencies and civil administration. The BJP leader asked the government to issue an assurance of security of life in case it was confident of non-existence of any threat to the life and honour of these employees.

“Several incidents in recent weeks have indicated that the threat to members of the minority community has not receded. In fact there are reports suggesting otherwise,” Raina further said. He was very critical of the administration for failure to address the issue of accommodation of these employees.

“Even after a decade, the administration has not been able to provide housing facilities to more than 1000 employees,” he alleged.