Jammu, October 5,2022: Unidentified thieves targeted a readymade garments shop located at Malik market inĀ  Bathindi, Jammu and decamped with clothes worth around Rs 2 lakhs on yesterday’s night.

Sajid Malik, owner of the shop, told the media that he came to know about the theft in his shop in the morning when somebody saw his shop’s shutter half open, after that when he himself visited his shop in the morningĀ  he noticed that has been ransacked.

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He further said that he suffered a lossĀ  of 2.5 lakh in this burglary and further added that the local police shows keen interest in issuing challans to people, but on other matters like this they appear non-serious.

” I have spent my life savings in setting up this shop and today I am ransacked by the burglars. We can’t think of going after a government job, this is what I have”, he said.

“The thieves have sacks with them in which they were stuffing the stolen garments and I have registered a complaint in Bathindi “, he added.

We request to the local people that if you see a person wearing brand new clothes in your locality, please report to your nearest police station, whom you might not have seen wearing such garments earlier, the report said.

Aman Zutshi