Jammu, October 1, 2022:

Chosdol (23) who is from a village of Leh (Ladakh) called chuchot has become a social media sensation overnight and talk of the Jammu city, when her small eatery went viral on social media.

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Her eatery is situated at such a place in TalabTillo near rice mill(Jammu) where already there are some Ladakhi restaurants that hold their own presence among locals.

Being a female student who is also pursuing masters alongside running this eatery is what pulling the foodies towards her.

Earlier in the day an elated Chosdol told the media that she was envisaging this idea of opening an eatery right from her college days, when she was studying in Women Degree College at Parade (Jammu).

“I used to see these road side stalls which gradually inculcated a likeness in me and used to think one day I will open one of my own and today I am here right at my stall serving momos to people”, she said.

She further said that she used to wake up early in the morning to buy vegetables for the dumpling preparation.

“I kept motivated myself by keeping aloof all the predicaments which came in my way”, she added while taking to the media person.

She further added that ‘Khonjor’ is her house hold name and that’s why she named her momo eatery after that.

“I wanted to break the stereotypes that a woman can’t manage things by herself. I wanted to be financially independent that’s why I opened my own start up”, she said.

Moreover, she said that the locals have been very cooperative with her from day one and it’s been 20 days since she set up her bistro here.

Aman Zutshi