Jammu, 17 Sept: In a tragic incident an 15-month-old girl died after being run over by a vehicle on Saturday in Suchetgarh, R.S Pura of Jammu.

The incident appeared when a jeep driver crushed a 1.5 year female child under his vehicle in  Suchetgarh area of R.S Pura, Jammu.

The parents of the deceased has allegedly told the media that their daughter was playing on the roadside when a vehicle came and hit their daughter after which she fell there and  the driver kept moving his car over her body, leaving her dead.

“I went to find my husband leaving Ananya (daughter)  on the roadside cause she was asking for him, after some time a car came and hit my daughter I kept screaming at the driver to slow down his vehicle  as my kid is under it but he didn’t listened and crushed my daughter’s arms and finally her head under it”, mother of the deceased allegedly said.

Father of the deceased child said that from some days his contractor was bothering them and two days ago he tried to hit them on which the local police advised him  not to trouble the labourers, but paying no heed to it he continued his pester against us.

“The contractor has asked us to compromise but how can we just let go our daughters murder, the driver has killed our daughter and we just want her alive and nothing else in return”, parents of the deceased child allegedly said.

One of their fellow co-worker informed the media that being migrant labourers their kids are their only assets so if they lose them then for whom they will work then.

“From  a distant place we have come here to work in Jammu and if we keep on losing our kids in such tragedies who will come here then”, he further said.

He added that the kids body has been sent for the autopsy in the hospital and they are waiting its result after which they will see what can be done in all this.

“Neither we will accept bribe nor we will bow in front of the murderers”, he said.

Aman Zutshi