Looking for peace and stability in life, this Saudi man married 53 times in 43 years. The 63-year-old Abu Abdullah said he married so many times not for seeking personal pleasure but for getting peace in life.

Talking to a Saudi media company, Abdullah said he was first married at the the age of 20. His then-wife was six years older than him. He said that the shortest marriage out of his 53 marriages lasted only for a single night.

“When I married for the first time, I did not plan to marry more than one woman because I was feeling comfortable and had children,” he said. “But after a while, problems happened and I decided to marry again when I was 23 years old and I informed my wife of my decision.”

63-year-old Abu Abdullah said he married so many times not for seeking personal pleasure but for getting peace in life.

Even two marriages couldn’t made him feel happy. According to news reports, Abdullah said, he decided to marry for a third and fourth time due to problems between his two wives.

He claims that he treat all his wives fairly and said that he had even married foreign women.

“Every man in the world wishes to have one woman and remain with her forever… Stability is not to be found with a young woman, but with an old one,” Abdullah stated.

However, now Abdullah is married to only one woman and has no plans of remarrying.

Recently another similar news has surfaced in Kenya. A 61-year-old African man had 15 wives and 107 children and all of them were living together in harmony. The man lives in a village in Western Kenya with all his wives. David Sakayo Kaluhana said that he was inspired by King Solomon, who had 700 wives and 300 concubines.