Jammu, 15 September, 2022: A man from Jammu’s Muthi area who was working as a mason has been found mysteriously dead in Kashmir on Wednesday.

As per the report, Sonu Kumar s/o Madan Lal resident of Muthi, Jammu has been found dead under mysterious circumstances in Kashmir.

It has been reported that his family members has blocked the Muthi road, demanding justice for their son.

However, the family of the deceased has alleged that he didn’t died of electrocution there in Kashmir  cause according to them the gashes on his head and marks around his neck suggests them that someone has murdered him.

“At around 4pm yesterday, my son’s boss called us and said that Sonu has lost his mobile and has become untraceable, but he didn’t told us that my son has died. I don’t believe that because of electrocution he died instead we suspect that someone has killed him”, mother of the deceased said.

A relative of the deceased said that they don’t believe that their kin died accidently rather they are of  the opinion that he has been murdered.

He further said that they will not vacate the road here and will continue their agitation till the police don’t ensure them a CBI inquiry regarding their matter.

“Sonu Kumar (34) who is a son of Madan Lal was a resident of my ward in Muthi. He was working in Kashmir and yesterday his family members called him and asked him to return home soon, but he told them he can’t come as he has yet to receive his money from his boss, but this morning some man came in his house in a bus bearing Himachal state registration number and delivered his corpse to his family members. They also handed over a letter to them by medical officer which only states that their son died”, Ward  Corporator said.

He further said that the family of the deceased wanted a CBI probe into their case cause they have suspicion that this is a murder case.

“They don’t have money to conduct his final rites and I also asked the local SSP to help them as they are poor but instead he threatened to not disturb him otherwise I will be arrested. I being a ward corporator who lives in the same locality with them can’t remain an on-looker here. I am just trying to help them and demand that Red cross should help them and also along with them the local govt should  provide them some compensation and a job to one of his relative”, he added.

Aman Zutshi