Jammu, 12 Sept:  A vehicle theft case has appeared in which the burglars stole a parked car from Bari Brahmana area of Jammu.

The car was stolen by the burglars  from the Bari Brahmana National highway where it was parked by its owner, yesterday, according to the report.

“AT around 12:30am in the night  I left my scorpio car bearing registration number ‘HR03N0028’ there on the Samba National highway and when I came in the morning my car wasn’t there. The thieves stole my car”, Mohan Singh owner of the car said.

He further said that the crime rate in Jammu  has increased after the abrogation of ‘Article 370’ cause according to him such incidents were rare and use to happen once in a while earlier.

“Now everyday robberies are taking place here, nothing is safe here and that day will  also come when criminals  will commit felonies here and this is  the impact  of amendment of   Article 370”, he added.

He also informed that he has registered an FIR regarding the mentioned matter in the Samba police station.

“The police is cooperating with me and they are also looking for my stolen vehicle”, he said.

Aman Zutshi