A Jammu university student has been reported corona positive which has created a spooky milieu among the other students of the university, today.

Muskaan a first semester law student tested corona positive on 16th of this month when she was in the university’s campus.

“I was around Dhanvantri library when I felt mild cold symptoms and after that I suspected that it can be covid so I went for the check and my fear came out real, then later I informed our head of department (HOD) about the same and told him that I can’t come physically to the campus as I am covid-infected and pleaded him for on-line exam, but he brashly told me that he cannot do anything regarding the exam and I have to write about this matter to controller of exams”, Muskaan informed the reporter over cell phone.

“This can also affect other students if I went to attend the exam physically”, she added.

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Prateek a student allegedly said that a female classmate from their class has been tested covid-positive and when she called their (HOD) Surinder sir on phone he talked to  her  rudely and told her that he can’t let her give the exams on-line.

He further said that their prof didn’t realized that his conduct  can take a toll over Muskaan’s mental health in such situation and we cannot take corona cases lightly cause recently the corona virus brought apocalypse to the  whole world.

“On 15th of August she felt mild fever and then the next day she came to university to give the exam and during that time she might have come in contact with many other students  which again aggravate the risk of covid-19  among those students, while at the same time students are also hesitating for the check-up witnessing the university’s conduct towards them”, he added.

“She surely came in-contact with many of us and the university administration is behaving carelessly on this and her whole year will be go in vain, if our department did not allow her to give on-line exams”, another student said.

Aman Zutshi