Kathua, 20 August: Farmers in Kathua showed concern over spurt in cases of lumpy skin disease in cattle and visited the local Animal husbandry department so that they can provide immediate effective steps to prevent lumpy virus in livestock.

Mr Vishu a local farmer said that today we came here to meet the Chief animal husbandry officer to inform and ask him about what preventive precautions they are planning to take against the new lumpy disease which is killing the local bovines.

He further said that the Chief officer of  animal husbandry dept was absent today, so they met senior doctor Jugal Gupta who informed them about the infectious disease and described them how it spreads from infected carriers like flies which further infects the bovines.

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Continuing he said the senior doctor has informed them if one of their bovines got infected that one should be kept in isolation from the rest of cattle so that viral infection can be curbed in due course of time.

He further informed that the farmers also have doubts regarding the milk-yield from such cows should be consumed or not and what safety measures the husbandry department have in their hands to contain the viral infection.

“Our local farmers are not financially that much sound, so it is the responsibility of the concerned department to provide aids to the  farmers free of cost and in-time so that they can protect their livestock,” he added.

“We have many feral bovines here and if one of them happen to catch this virus all other cows will also be infected from that one, which will then put us all at great risk and along with that our local Gujjar/Bakarwal brethren also possess large number of domestic animals, which is again a big problem for them cause they will become helpless if this virus reaches to their live stock”, another farmer said.

He further added that the husbandry department should send its employees to various areas of Jammu to aware people about the disease ,its consequence and what are its preventive cautions.

Aman Zutshi