The decision of Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) to give voting right in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory Legislative Assembly to all persons who ordinarily reside in Jammu Kashmir is legally and constitutionally correct. It recognizes and follows the same procedure as is applicable to rest of country, said Jammu and Kashmir Bhartiya Janata Party in a press release.

Chief spokesperson, Sunil Sethi said that under the law anyone who is citizen of India and not barred by any law can choose to be voter in any area, State or Union Territory where he or she may ordinarily reside. The same being made applicable to Jammu and Kashmir only post Article 370 there has to one India one law, he added.

He said opposition parties are trying to project wrong picture and are still living in pre 5th Aug 2019 era. They are trying somehow to create exceptions in Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory which is not permissible. People of Jammu and Kashmir have welcomed decision of complete jelling of Jammu Kashmir to Indian Union without exception or reservation and political parties have to realize it and live with it.

Sunil Sethi further asserted that if person from Jammu and Kashmir who is ordinarily residing in any part of the country can get himself registered there as voters then how can be there reservation for same thing happening in Jammu and Kashmir.

Chief spokesperson asked people to see through separatist agenda of opposition parties and defeat it . As per law anyone can choose place where he can register provided he will loose his right at his residential State and this should be applied without exception.