Jammu and Kashmir Government on Thursday ordered for an administrative inspection of health institutions across the UT.

As per order issued by Principal Secretary to the government ,Manoj Kumar Dwivedi, inspection officers have been asked to complete the inspection within a period of two months.

Authorities have also named also inspectors and health institutions to be inspected these inspectors have been named in the order.

As per order the duty of inspectors will be to check whether is the office adequately staffed? (Comment with reference to the average turnover of the work and other relevant factors), Staff position: Sanctioned / In-position status, whether the e-office is in use?, whether Employees Performance Monitoring Portal in use, Whether the Bio-metric attendance is implemented, Register showing casual leave/restricted holidays availed of by the staff maintained up to date, the number of issues / cases pending with the department (Give section wise details) with reason for pendency: Between one and three months.

“Between six months and one year. Between one and two years • Over two years, time bound disposal of important references. Time taken for disposal of various types of references including D.O letters, emails, etc, Plan schemes (State and Centrally Sponsored) with which the department is concerned, Prescribed guidelines been kept in view while formulation annual plans proposals, Property returns are obtained/transmitted and scrutinized by the prescribed dates, Parliament/Assembly/Council questions and important references are being deals with on priority basis, Personal Files for all employees maintained properly and up to date, APRS written regularly. Adverse remarks, if any, been communicated to the concerned officials and their acknowledgement filed in the concerned, Increment is sanctioned as and when it accurse, All the Government servants are subscribing towards G.P Fund and personal files, any appeals/representations of any official pending with the Department of any Government official, Annual inspections of the office under the Administrative Control office in question, have been conducted, How many subordinate offices were inspected during the last year, Whether copies of inspection notes are being furnished to next higher authorities, Audit has been conducted by AG Office, whether there is office accommodation for all members of the staff, Seating arrangements is properly made and the building kept neat and clean., Whether the building is rented or government, Fire safety of Audit conducted. Fire protection by installation of rigid controls and written fire control plans the elimination of fire hazard, the installation of necessary safeguard such as extinguishers, sprinkling devices, fire barriers, etc. to ensure rapid and effective fire control and Sanitary environment to avoid source and transmission of infections,” the order reads.

It further states that other things to be checked by the inspectors include what are the various heads of expenditure and the amount provided in the budget thereof, What is the Progress of expenditure under each head? 27. Registers required under rules being maintained properly and up-dated? Cash book is being maintained properly with special reference to Certificate regarding counting of pages, Attestation of individual entries and daily balance, Monthly certificate regarding physical verification of cash, Drawl verification certificate obtained from the concerned treasury, Are the account register page marked?, Pay Acquaintance Roll maintained properly?, Log book maintained in respect of the Government Vehicles attached with the department, Is the department maintaining following registers of account and are there registers up to date/verified and attested by the concerned officer, Store/Stock register maintained properly, Physical verification of stock-in-hand being carried out as per rules and instructions, value of purchased articles shown, with date, in the registers, Written off articles/losses etc. correctly accounted for, Separate register being maintained for perishable articles, Un-serviceable articles / Machinery and Equipments being disposed off as per norms and on regular basis, facilities for isolation of patients with communicable diseases, especially in obstetrical newborn and pediatric sections, Emergency lighting in operating, delivery and emergency rooms, nursery, etc, Adequate diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, whether the staff at the admission counter is Courteous /Prompt / answering the queries of patients satisfactorily, What is your opinion about the overall quality of medical care in this hospital? (Poor/Satisfactory/Good), Did you feel patients are being given adequate information about their illness and treatment by the doctor? How would you categorize the behavior of doctors treating patients, What is patients’ opinion about the quality of the nursing services in this hospital? (Poor/Satisfactory/Good), are patients satisfied with the cleanliness of the ward?, Are patients satisfied with the cleanliness of toilets/ bathrooms? Was the hospital linen cleap? Are the patients satisfied with the quality of food provided in this hospital?, What is your opinion about the security services of this hospital, What is your opinion about the visitors’ policy of this hospital?, Whether all Machinery and Equipments are under Equipment Maintenance Programme?, Is Institution property connected to 102/108 services, Whether Mera Aspthal / DVDMS in use, Whether referral audit in vogue?, Whether DNB / District Residency Programme are being implemented?, Any best practice of the Institution, Awareness among the patients regarding Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY and PM-JAY (SEHAT) schemes (Poor/Average/Good/Excellent) and Suggestion(s) to improve the quality of service offered by the Hospital.

“The terms of reference of the Inspection teams shall be that the Inspection Officers shall conduct the Inspection of the Health Institutions as per the parameters, The Inspection Officers shall complete the Inspection of the Health Institutions as shown against each in two spells (each spell of one month) and it shall be completed within a period of two months from the date of issuance of this order, the Inspection Officers shall submit their Inspection Report to the Principals of GMCS/Dental Colleges/Director, Health Services, Jammu/Kashmir/Director AYUSH as the case may be immediately after completion of each spell, besides furnishing a copy of the report to the Administrative Department on email ID: admsecyhealthjk@gmail.com and the Principals of GMCS/Dental Colleges/Director, Health Services, Jammu/Kashmir/Director AYUSH, besides providing every necessary support to the inspection officer, shall critically examine the reports as received from the Inspection Officers and submit the actionable points/major issue(s) along with suggestive measures to the Administrative Department for further course of action,” the order reads