Kashmir, 14 July: A resident of Chattergam village who went to  Saudi Arabia to earn livelihood is languishing in jail without trail in Saudi Arabia for the last two years. He has been detained for sharing his mobile number on facebook with a kashmiri friend based in Iran.

Javed Ahmed Mir, resident of Chattergam, Kashmir was arrested by the Saudi police from his work place on March, 18 2020 after he exchanged messages with a facebook friend based in Iran.

His father told that  his son has two daughters to look after and he shared his mobile number with his friend as the latter wanted to work in Saudi Arabia. He said his son was not aware that his friend is based in Iran and not in  Kashmir. He further alleged that the Saudi police arrested his son without a proper judicial trial.

Sajjad,  brother of the accused said that he received a call and an email on March, 16 from Mr D.B Bhatia, an Indian Embassay official in which he was informed that his brother has been arrested by the Saudi police over a message on facebook. He even spoke to his brother, after he got detained, who told him that he was just  trying to help his friend and had no idea that his friend has been texting from Iran.

Recently, Saudi authorities executed dozens of people on various crime charges against them, so his family  expressed their concern on the issue as they are not in contact with him for weeks now.

The family members have requested the local government as well as the centre government and Indian Embassay to help them in getting their son back.

Aman Zutshi