Kashmiri Pandit employees, who are working in the valley under the Prime Minister’s Package demanded that the government give them in writing that there would be no more targeted killings of minorities and only then they would resume their duties.

Addressing media persons at Sheikhpora migrant camp in Budgam on Monday under the banner of All Minority Employees of Kashmir they said “We will come back to join our offices and resume our duties, but until and unless government assures and gives it in writing that no more migrant or minority killings take place”.

“Government may tell us if they have some concrete road map, some directions or policies or stately arrangements or give in writing that no minority killings will happen, we will resume our duties”, the speakers said.

They said “the brute force are hell bound to count in the chart of genocide…they are not seeing faces now they are seeing numbers. One day one killing is there news”.
They said the government should consider the issue of migrant employees as a grave issue in view of the situation. “We are totally unsafe in this place as we don’t want to become news only. We feel that our families, Children have to be secured, we have to be in a conducive environment”, they added.

They said that they had asked Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and higher ups to locate them to other safer places till the situation gets normal in Kashmir valley. “But we had been hopeful and things would turn and they would understand our agony and pain and help us out”, they added.

“Since it has been a month the government is deliberating mulling on the issues like transferring employees to nearby places in the headquarters or giving parallel seniority to our PM package employees. But this is not the solution because brute forces are very focal and very ruthless”, the Kashmiri Pandits said.

They said “It is not worth that government may post an employee in a safer place 3 km away from his residence …life is not just to go office and come back even they assure us we would not be harmed..after all we are human beings and there are dignity of life and there has to be a conducive environment where we feel safe to move around.”

The Kashmiri pandits said that “life is not working only. We have a family, our children. They have to move around out to places to live like a common person lives in the society. ”
They said “there remains no option for us even though there had been a little dampener in the targeted killings because the majority of minority people left the Kashmir valley to save their lives. There are a handful of people like us here who stayed due to certain concerns…definitely we also want to leave earliest as the situation is not conducive in Kashmir”.
“The All Minority Employees of Kashmir requested LG and the government of India for help and to save our lives and locate us in safer places until you are able to control the situation on the ground”, they added.