Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reviewed the status of Human Resources in all departments and ministries, and instructed that recruitment of 10 lakh people by the in “mission mode” in next 1.5 years, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said in a tweet.

The government’s decision comes amid the opposition’s frequent criticism of it on the issue of unemployment. A large number of vacant posts in different government sectors has often been flagged.

Separate media reports have said that the Indian government is considering implementing a four-year tenure plan for defence forces. Candidates hired under the Agnipath recruitment plan will only have to serve in the defence forces for four years.

According to sources, three service chiefs will hold a news conference tomorrow to announce the commencement of the Agnipath military recruitment initiative.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was updated on the situation two weeks ago by these service leaders.

The Agnipath Recruitment Scheme will allow more troops to be inducted for shorter periods of time. The Department of Military Affairs has devised and is implementing the scheme.

Candidates will join the defence forces and serve for a maximum of four years under the system. In addition, the scheme intends to induct

According to a survey by employment agency Michael Page, the Great Resignation is most likely to continue in India in 2022, with a whopping 86 percent of employees expecting to resign in the next six months.

According to the survey, roughly 61 percent of Indian employees are willing to accept a lower wage or forgo a pay raise and/or promotion in order to focus on a better work-life balance, general well-being, and happiness.

The tendency is expected to continue across markets, industries, levels of seniority, and age groups, according to the survey.

“With the clear majority saying a significant talent migration event is upon us in the next few months, we must be ready for it to increase,” the report added.

Job advancement, change in career role or industry, dissatisfaction with salary, and dissatisfaction with the company’s strategy or direction are some of the causes for employee resignations.