A new kind of cyber fraud has come to the fore in Jammu region. A fraudster attempted to deceive a restaurant owner in the name of Indian Army .The fraudster called up the owner and ordered him pack food for 20 people.

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The restaurant owner , Vishal Manhas while talking to media said that he received a phone call at around 2 pm where a man posed as an army officer said to him that he was speaking from an Army camp and there is a requirement of food for 20 people . Vishal said that he sensed that the man is trying to trick him .

In response to the fraudster he said , “the order will be ready within sometime come and pick it up from the shop to which the man asked him to share his bank account number or any other detail of his bank account or even share the QR code to make the payment “. Royal food court ‘s owner Vishal sensing the entire matter, immediately registered a complain against the fraudster with the Cyber cell and saved himself from the fraud. Meanwhile the netizens are advised to be aware of such cyber scams.

Aditi Tikku.