As district Samba is reeling under acute water shortage for more than a week now , locals staged a protest outside Jal Shakti Department today.

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” More than a week has elapsed and still there is no trace of water in our area . Amid this scorching summer people are facing dire shortage of water” , a local said . Hitting out at the administration and PHE department protestors said , ” it’s a complete failure of the higher authorities as they are constantly giving a cold shoulder to our gravest concerns. They are taking handsome salaries sitting on their couches but rarely pay a visit on the ground to hear us out for once”.

They further added that there is no exact time-table prepared by the PHE department for supplying water . They supply it when they feel like at times it’s during the midnight hours.

“At first we made several phone calls to them but no one picked up the call. Then we decided to go to their office. After reaching there no one is ready to listen to us and eventually we decided to stage a protest and vent our anger against the administration”, a local said . He added ” if our issue won’t get addressed we will intensity our protest”.