The Food supply department along with the department of Consumer Affairs and public distribution raided several restaurants in Gandhinagar area of Jammu.

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The raid was conducted to check the adulteration in food and to ensure that pure food items are sold to the consumers. The inspecting team visited Pahalwan , Jain Hind Bakery and various other food points in the lane. At Ganpati food junction they found the condition of kitchen being highly unhygienic.
The team collected stale food samples from there and destroyed the same. The department said that they used to recieve a plethora of complaints from the consumers regarding the unhygienic condition at various restaurants in Gandhinagar. Acting upon the same the raid was conducted to redress the greviances of the public.

Some officials present during the raid instructed the consumers to check the manufacturing date and best before details while purchasing any food item . And if the consumers find any problem with the hygiene status of a restaurant they can directly contact the respective department via their toll free number or can even drop an email to them.

Aditi Tikku.