Security has been beefed up in the city after a terror attack in the Sunjwan area, two days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Jammu. Security forces have averted a major suicide attack by terrorists in Sunjwan, but still, full precaution is being taken. After this terrorist attack, blockades increased across the city on one side. The city is also being monitored closely with the help of drones. Even after the terrorist attack in Sunjwan, the drone kept hovering in the sky till the search operation was over after eliminating the terrorists there.

Security has been beefed up at military camps after the terror attack. It is feared that before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Samba’s Palli Panchayat on April 24, terrorists were trying to carry out some major incident. In such a situation, they can target the camps of the security forces.

On the other hand, after this attack, additional blocks were put up on all the routes connecting the border areas with Jammu city. Apart from RSpura to Satwari, Arnia, Bari Brahmana, special nakas have also been put in all the border areas of Ramgarh tehsil in the Samba district. People coming from the border areas are being monitored on these posts. Meanwhile, security has been beefed up on the Jammu-Pathankot and Jammu-Srinagar National Highways. Military camps and police stations adjoining these highways have also been specially instructed to alert.

Amish Mahajan