Kashmir, 15 October, 2022 The Border Security Force on Saturday held a  passing out parade and attestation ceremony of Constable (General Duty) absorbed from Constable ( Tradesman) at Subsidiary Training Centre , BSF , Humhama, Kashmir.

As per the report, there were 64 Recruits passed out to join BSF as ‘brave Seema Prahari’ in General duty and it has been said that the trainees who were presented in the parade hailed from all over the country .

Mr Raja Babu Singh IG BSF Kashmir was the Chief Guest on the occasion who was welcomed by Vidur Bhardwaj , Commandant STC Kashmir. The Chief Guest inspected the grand attestation parade of BSF recruit Constables, the report said.

While addressing the recruits , IG BSF Kashmir, whole heartedly appreciated the excellent display of self – confidence , skill and coordination which was the high point of the parade . He  applauded the (absorbed) recruits for rising one step ahead in their BSF career by converting from Tradesmen to Constable ( General Duty ) and exhorted them to serve the nation with courage and enthusiasm .

In his address , IG BSF Kashmir  congratulated , Commandant STC BSF Kashmir and the instructional teams for putting in all out efforts in achieving the objectives of molding the tradesmen , as trained Seema Prahari , giving them self confidence & turning them into disciplined Jawans . He wished the Recruits with a bright future in their life and service ahead .

He awarded medals to Recruits who performed exceptionally well in various indoor & outdoor training activities . The parade was commanded by Constable (Ct) Chinmay Choudhary and there were five trainees from the batch who were adjudged the best in different competitions and were presented with trophies, while the trainees who were presented the awards namely are  Constable (Ct) Chinmay Choudhary in (PARADE COMMANDER & BEST IN DRILL), Constable Narendra Singh in (ALL ROUND BEST) while Ct Kuldeep Singh awarded for coming second in (ALL ROUND BEST), Ct Mukesh Kumar Prasad (BEST in  Field Physical Efficiency Test, FPET), Ct Sunil Kumar Irapaci (BEST IN FIRING).

All personnel of Border Security Force and their families , family members of the trainees and school children witnessed the memorable parade, the report said.

Over the course of 24 weeks of training , the (Absorbed )Recruits gradually gained proficiency in handling different types of weapons , firing skills , law , drill and border management . And on the other hand, due to the hard work of the trainers of the STC BSF , Kashmir their physical efficiency has also increased many folds . As a result of which they are physically , mentally and professionally prepared to serve the nation during peace & as well as in war.

After the passing out parade , Brass Band show and the BSF song by the recruits won the hearts of the spectators which electrified the atmosphere, the report further said.