Casual labourers of the Wildlife department on Wednesday staged a sit-in protest  against the Wildlife department warden alleging that he didn’t give monthly wages on time and also harasses the labourers.

A protesting casual labour said that we want transfer of our wildlife department  warden on immediate basis because he harasses us and we want the bureaucratic  system maintained by such officers  to be abolished  here, we will not eat anything and will continue our hunger strike till our demands are not solved.

“We will only  move from this place when our warden  will be removed from the dept and we want a transparent investigation in our matter and for that we have written applications to vigilance and Anti-corruption bureau (ACB) and they have informed us that they will visit here for the probe tomorrow. I will not move from here even if I have to face death”, Bilal Ahmed Divisional president casual labourers said.

He further said other labourers should also join us in this protest as they are receiving  wages at old rates  which is very less.

Aman Zutshi