Jammu, 14 August: A viral skin disease known to  affect  cattle only has been reported from   Jammu’s Trikuta Nagar in which two cows of a local resident fell prey to this infectious disease.

The deadly ‘lumpy’ skin disease has  become a nightmare for the cattle of  a local resident, who is getting no idea how to get them treated and secure his only source of livelihood.

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“It has been two days my cows are sitting in their shed neither they are making any movement nor  they eat their fodder properly since the day they are infected by the skin disease”, Pawan Kumar owner of the infected bovines said.

“They are not yielding  milk and one of the cows calf is starving because of that  and today we  took them to the local veterinary doctor but he is not able to help us, then again we  called a doctor from another state he injected  costly injections in their bodies  but still their condition is similar. The cows have developed  nodes because of the skin disease, we have raised them like our children, what should we do now as we are feeling very low and helpless losing them,” he said.

He further informed that the veterinary doctor has told them that this disease has no cure which has further aggravated their insecurities because they have no other means to earn their meal.

“It’s a humble appeal to the local husbandry department to take cognizance of these cases and also inform the local people people who own cattle to be aware as this disease is proving fatal for the bovines”, the reporter added.

Aman Zutshi