Jammu, 9 August: A video has been viral on social media past two days showing a man, who drives auto rickshaw in Katra, Jammu, being thrashed by a lady.

The lady in the video is seen alleging that the auto driver made some offensive remarks against her and in a fit of anger she thrashed him. Later, a day after the video went viral the auto driver also showed up in media and narrated the incident.

According to the report, the auto driver allegedly said he was at the auto-stand following the daily routine waiting for the passengers then after some time he saw a woman inquiring the other drivers for  hiring the auto.

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He further said that his fellow auto drivers might be quoting high fares to her due to which she refused to take a ride, so he approached her and offered a ride to her destination quoting reasonable fare.
He further told that the woman charged furiously at him, grabbed his collar, slapped him and started questioning him as to who is he to take her anywhere. Then, a man also joined her who might have been called by her who started man handling and beaten him very badly.

He further added that after the incident, he is feeling dehumanized and having suicidal thoughts to end up his life as this has been highly unjust happening for him.

Mr Shankar the Katra’s auto driver association leader said “They know this auto driver very well, he would never do such a thing so, we have come forward in our support to him.”

He further informed that they have registered an FIR against the  woman and the man for harassing their destitute driver, both have been arrested by the Katra  police and the further investigations of  the incident is being carried-out.

Aman Zutshi