Sham Lal Choudhary, J&K BJP vice-president and former Minister listened to the public grievances and took up the same with the concerned officials for early solutions.

Former Minister Priya Sethi and BJP All Mocha Incharge Munish Sharma also accompanied the Minister on the occasion.

The BJP leaders listened to the public grievances and took up the same with the concerned department officials for their early solutions at BJP headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.

Sham Choudhary, while listening to the issues stressed that the BJP is working with the mission of strengthening Nation and empowering the society. He said that with the abrogation of Articles 370 & 35(a) new hopes have filled the hearts of people. He said that going by the same spirit to serve the masses the party leaders have tried sincerely to provide them the best possible solutions presented by masses.