Soon, fencing will be installed on the bridges of the Tawi river, which is becoming a suicide point in the city. With this, no one will be able to jump from the bridge into the river. Likewise, no material will be thrown from the bridge into the Tawi river. The corporators have made preparations to get this resolution passed in the General House meeting of the Municipal Corporation going to be held on Saturday. The matter is serious, and there has been a demand for fencing on the sides of the bridges for a long time because the incidents of suicide by jumping from the bridge into the river keep coming to the fore.

Apart from Jammu Deputy Mayor Purnima Sharma, ward number seven corporator Ritu Chaudhary has proposed in the General House, showing seriousness on the burning issue of the city. I am confident that the General House will unanimously approve this proposal. Not only this, but the corporation administration will also get this work completed soon. Not only this but this proposal has also been made by ward number 9 corporator Sunit Kumar Raina.

In this General House meeting to be held on Saturday, around 30 proposals have been placed, discussing which they will be passed unanimously and then they will be implemented. At the same time, the opposition corporators have made preparations to surround the corporation administration, including the mayor. However, the mayor has already held a meeting and sought cooperation from the corporators to run the house peacefully.

Amish Mahajan